Newsletters - Archive

Date Summary
March 2024 This month we focus on our 6 Happy Faces groups where we serve families with stay and play groups and home visits teaching health lessons. Read more
May 2024 Our latest Education Fund update. We are so pleased to currently sponsor 4 post-16 students and 2 in secondary school. Read more
July 2024 Our July newsletter celebrates us receiving 2 sets of visitors to invest in the team and we also update you on our community health work called CHE. Read more
September 2024 We are celebrating our Happy Faces graduation of 25 children. We also hear from volunteers helping run sessions and how this is changing their lives in a positive way. Read more
May 2023 This month we celebrate the finishing of the new dam in Malingunde. We also have testimonies from our Kingdom Expansion, CHE and Happy Faces. Read more
July 2023 Our July newsletter celebrates the restarting of trips to serve and equip the team in Malawi and also stories of change from our discovery bible study groups. Read more
September 2023 Our September update celebrates our Happy Faces work this year, with 30 children joining our groups and 37 graduating onto primary school! Read more
November 2023 This month we celebrate our work with leaders called Follow Me.
We recently had 2 graduations from our 6 groups and share lots of moving testimonies.
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February 2022 We are looking forward to 2022! Chippo, Rhodess and Patterson share some highlights and current thoughts. We finish off with some wonderful CHE stories of change! Read more
April 2022 Such a joyful update detailing our 3 Follow Me graduations. We are so pleased that our students and staff have met outdoors for the past year and completed their courses - amazing! Read more
June 2022 This month we highlight powerful testimonies from our Happy Faces work and especially those women who have volunteered to help lead sessions in their own villages. Read more
October 2022 We are celebrating a recent Happy Faces graduation and the huge blessing of receiving a new truck which is paramount to allow our work to continue. Read more
August 2022 Our education fund where we are raising money to invest in young adults who would not normally be able to access further education due to financial constraints. Read more
December 2022 We have had another wonderful year and celebrate by sharing some of highlights of 2022. Thank you for sharing the journey with us and Happy Christmas! Read more
January 2021 Our 2020 update giving details of how our work has changed and adapted to the challenges due to the Corona Virus.We are so proud of all that the team are achieving. Read more
February 2021 We are excited to move into our new building! In this update we introduce our new Education Fund to help support children who are moving into further education. Read more
March 2021 This month we launch our Education Fund to help 4 children through college. This is an opportunity to sow into the lives of people investing in Malingunde through their children. Read more
April 2021 We are in our new building and were able to take our old one down brick by brick. This month we highlight our Follow Me work investing in local leaders and hearing their stories of change. Read more
June 2021 This month we highlight our CHE work seeing wonderful transformations in health, socially, mentally and physically. Read more
September 2021 it is summer in Malawi and this month we highlight our Happy Faces work with stories of change and transformation. Read more
November 2021 This month we highlight our Follow Me and Discovery Bible Study groups. This work is expanding and we are looking forward to FM graduations next month. Read more
December 2021 We have had another full year of covid challenges, whilst seeing so much growth and fruit in our local communities. Happy Christmas and keep safe! Read more
March 2019 Emergency relief work is underway to help the 100,000 people effected in the south of Malawi. This month we highlight stories of education and change through our Follow Me leaders work. Read more
April 2019 This month we highlight our Happy Faces work with lots of encouraging testimonies showing how Mums and their children are being changed. Malawi has elections on May 21st so we are praying for peace and transparency. Read more
June 2019 This month we highlight our Follow Me work of equipping local leaders in Malingunde. We have numerous testimonies and one from our eldest student Katswati who is 85 - he is such an inspiration to us all! Read more
July 2019 We have had a super busy month equipping our team. Working in the midst of severe poverty is hard work; to invest and encouraging our team through partnerships is what makes the ministry bear so much fruit. Read more
September 2019 We are celebrating our Happy Faces graduation and all the hard work of the children, families and teachers. We wish our 16 children well as they start school and look forward to the new children who will start with us. Read more
October 2019 We are enjoying welcoming new families into our Happy Faces classes and looking forward to our yearly Follow Me graduation. This month we share stories of transformation from our CHE work. Read more
November 2019 We are celebrating our Follow Me graduation. This year 35 leaders from 15 denominations granted from 6 different courses. It was a pleasure to have Bill with us at this event. Read more
December 2019 Happy Christmas! We have enjoyed another year seeing lives transformed through education and also by coming to faith. This month we share testimonies of people who have helped train the DT team. Read more
February 2018 This month we are pleased to let you know about the church planting course we are adding g to our work. Our 3 other areas continue to go from strength to strength as we look ahead to a busy 2018! Read more
April 2018 This month we celebrate our Happy Faces work, hearing from families about the difference DT is making in their family life. We are excited to see people transformed and healthy families creating healthy villages. Read more
July 2018 We celebrate our Happy Faces graduation this month as 7 children transition to Primary School. The testimonies show how much fruit and change this wonderful project brings Read more
November 2018 Thank you for your partnership with us in enabling this precious work to thrive. As we come to the end of the year, we look back over many highlights of 2018 and talk about some of our hopes for 2019. Read more
December 2018 Happy Christmas from the D.T. team. We appreciate all your support and walking with us to see Malingunde transformed! Rhodess, Japhael, Jameson, Chippo, Janet, Ethel, Bazillio, Bisifat, Patterson, and Fanny Read more
January 2017 We are looking forward to 2017 and all that the year has in store. We hope that the 3 areas of our work; Follow Me, CHE and Happy Faces will go from strength to strength. Read more
February 2017 This month we celebrate stories from our CHE work in 4 local communities. We share stories of family gaining hope and gaining healthy home certificates as they live healthily and peacefully with their neighbours. Read more
March 2017 This month we look at highlights from our Follow Me work. Lots of stories of leaders being helped, equipped and inspired through the 6 yearlong course that we offer. Read more
April 2017 This month we look at our Happy Faces work. We are so pleased with the 45 families coming along to our stay and play sessions. Read more
May 2017 We are into the dry season now and the harvest is almost complete. This month we highlight our community health work with testimonies of the very real difference this is making in people lives. We recently had a trip to serve and do some training with the team and enjoy a FM conference together. Read more
June 2017 This month we highlight our Follow Me work and the practical aspect of Kingdom Expansion. So exciting to see over 100 people healed and coming to faith in one weekend. Read more
October 2017 This has been a very busy time over the past few months and in this update we highlight our CHE work. We look forward to 2018 with all that we are hoping to accomplish with some new plans too! Read more
November 2017 This month we highlight our Follow Me work. We are having a busy end to the year with our recent graduation and FM Equip gathering. We are looking ahead to 2018 and all the exciting challenges ahead of us . Read more
January 2016 We are looking forward to all that 2016 has in store.
We expect lots of challenges, some disappointments, but we know too that lives will be changed bringing health to families and villages.
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February 2016 This month we highlight our grassroots community health work called CHE. Even in the midst of many people struggling for food, we are hearing stories of hope. Read more
March 2016 The past few months have been challenging with a severe food shortage. The team have been working hard and this months update is about Happy Faces. Read more
April 2016 Malawi is gathering in its long awaited harvest. This month we have testimonies from our Follow Me work which is teaching over 60 leaders from 20 different denominations about biblical leadership. Read more
May 2016 This month we highlight our community health work called CHE.
We have insights and testimonies to show you the teams work and the steady fruit that is being produced.
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July 2016 This month we celebrate the graduation of 19 Happy Faces children as they move to Primary School. We are very proud of our team hard work and excited that HF is set to expand to another location soon. Read more
September 2016 This month we celebrate our Follow Me graduation. This is a highlight of our year as we see over 50 local leaders developing their gifts and talents. Thank you for your financial support to allow us to do this long term work. Read more
October 2016 This month we highlight our CHE work. We have some wonderful testimonies which show CHE at work and the very real difference it makes in peoples lives. Read more
December 2016 Our 2016 Christmas card! Read more
November 2016 Happy Christmas! We have so enjoyed all our work serving those in around malingunde this year. This month we hear from people who travelled to Malawi to work with the team and get their perspective on what they experienced. Read more
January 2015 Happy New Year!
2015 is here and we are very positive about the coming year as we train leaders, community health workers and parents.
Will you join us in praying, giving or visiting Malawi this year?
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February 2015 This month, we have an update on our health work called CHE. We train volunteers to be health visitors to their neighbours. We have lots of testimonies showing how the teams hard work is changing lives. Read more
March 2015 More wonderful testimonies this month! An update from Happy Faces, where mums and their children learn together through play. These families also receive home visits providing vital health education Read more
April 2015 This month we highlight our work of training leaders through Follow Me. We currently have 60 leaders studying 7 different courses. Some great testimonies to show the heart of how lives are being transformed. Read more
May 2015 It is currently harvest time in Malawi.
This month we highlight our CHE work. Tom has just returned from a 3 week trip equipping the team in Malingunde with some help from Nick, Mark and Richard from Coventry Vineyard.
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June 2015 This month we look at the Happy Faces project and the difference it is making.
The team have had more visitors from the UK to equip and resource them as they enter the busy time for teaching - the dry season.
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July 2015 Malawi is now in the midst of the dry season and one of our busiest times where lots of
community gatherings and learning takes place.
We have 3 areas of focus and this month we are highlighting Follow Me (FM).
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August 2015 We are gearing up for the new academic year. New classes will start in Happy Faces and Follow Me. This month we highlight our CHE work with testimonies about changed lives. We also welcome a new intern called Chisomo. Read more
September 2015 This month we celebrate Happy Faces and another graduation. We have lots of testimonies from the learning and changes that have taken place in the lives of the children and the parents too! Read more
October 2015 October is a real highlight with graduations from Follow Me. We are so pleased that 53 leaders took time to invest in themselves this year over 7 different courses. We are really proud of them and our team for delivery high quality teaching. Read more
November 2015 Happy Christmas! Thank you for all your support this year in helping us to see lasting change in people's lives. The team are doing a great job and we have been really blessed to have 5 teams visit from the UK this year to continue training the team. Read more
December 2015 Our 2015 Christmas Card Read more
January 2014 The past 12 years of the Dalitso Trust have been a wonderful journey resulting in a healthy, functioning team in Malawi. Phase One is complete and what a success, we are so very proud of the team! In writing this update we want to thank you for committing your time, money and prayers to this vision. Read more
February 2014 The rainy season is over half way through and the harvest is looking good. People are looking forward to a May harvest and a general election. The team have been enjoying the new electricity connection. Read more
March 2014 The rainy season is almost finished & the harvest is looking good. The team has recently been on a residential CHE course. As we continue to transition to life in the UK our primary role is to create a base that will resource & make the team in Malawi sustainable. Read more
May 2014 The Malawi election took place on May 20th and 10 days later Professor Peter Mutharika was announced as the new President. The country remained mostly peaceful as the election process took rather longer than expected. Read more
June 2014 It is the dry season, an excellent time for community learning. The Trust has three areas of focus. This month we are highlighting health, through our CHE work. Read more
August 2014 The team recently had a visit from Mark, Laura, Tony & Hazel. They spent time equipping
the team and also gathered our Follow Me leaders for 2 days of teaching.
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July 2014 Malawi is now in its cooler dry season; a great time of year for community work, where rural farmers have more time on their hands to learn and discuss. The Trust has three areas of focus and this month we are highlighting Follow Me (FM), a course serving rural church leaders who live around the Malingunde area. Read more
September 2014 We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new website! Please go to and take a look. We absolutely love it. This month we highlight our health work called CHE. Read more
October 2014 This month we are highlighting our leaders work, through the Follow Me courses. We are so pleased that 61 leaders graduated in October from our Follow Me courses; totalling 228 over the past 6 years.
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November 2014 Our Christmas newsletter. Thank you for all your support this year, we could not fulfil this vision without you! This newsletter includes some testimonies from the 11 visitors who have travelled to Malawi to help equip the team. Read more
December 2014 Happy Christmas! This is our Christmas card with images from Happy Faces. Thank you to Fiona Harding for the design and Tom Densham for taking the photos. Read more
April 2013 The rains have finished and Malawi is waiting to harvest its maize crop. The huge challenge the country faces is the devaluation of the Kwacha (MK) in one year from MK270 to MK630 to the British Pound. In this economic backdrop the team in Malingunde is doing really well. Read more
June 2013 It is amazing to think that a year ago we were living in Malawi, finalising our move to Birmingham. We feel settled in the UK and want to update you on our news. A lot has happened since our return; we are especially thankful for Tom’s recovery from an unexpected liver parasite he brought back from Malawi. Read more
June 2013 We want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to the Vineyard for those who are new and to update those of you who already know us. Read more
September 2013 We had an excellent trip to Malawi in July and left with an overwhelming sense of pride in the team. We saw the fruit of their commitment; each project is working so well. Living and working with people in acute poverty is not easy and encouragement is hard to come by. Read more
October 2013 It is now summer in Malawi & the main agricultural season is almost under way. Working in rural areas during this time becomes a challenge, especially to gather people for learning, as most people start farming. Read more
November 2013 The rains have now started and the agricultural season is well under way. This is a very busy time and people are hoping for a good harvest next year. Tom recently had a successful 3-week trip to Malawi, find out more below. Read more
December 2013 On behalf of all of us at The Dalitso Trust we would like to say thank you for your continued support this year and to wish you a Happy Christmas! 2013 has been a challenging year of transition and we are looking forward to 2014 with plans and high hopes for the Trust. Read more
March 2012 The maize is high in the fields and Malawi has had plenty of rain, but very little fuel and foreign currency with which to import anything. In a land locked country that is just about everything! Read more
December 2012 Happy Christmas! On behalf of all of us at The Dalitso Trust we would like to say thank you for your continued support this year. After the elation of a new president Joyce Banda, Malawi is coming to terms with the long hard struggle of sorting out its economic and political situation. Read more
April 2011 The rains are tailing off and it looks like Malawi will enjoy a good harvest. We were really blessed with the gift of Christmas in the UK and enjoyed seeing many of you. Read more
August 2011 Malawi is in a new season of political accountability, public demonstrations against the President and the UN is hosting talks between government and civil society groups. Peaceful demonstrations are an important part of Malawi’s democratic growth, as for the first time people feel able to air their political concerns publicly. Read more
December 2011 Happy Christmas from the team here in Malawi and our UK Trustees! Malawi is in uncertain times, it appears that the country is bankrupt and this is creating many day to day challenges. Foreign donor support to the Government has stopped. If and when the IMF give the go ahead, resources may flow again. Read more
February 2010 Wow 2010 is off to a fast start! We are in the 8th year of the Trust and as an organisation continue to grow in understanding and maturity. We are in the wet season and the rains have been poor so far, the lowest rainfall here since 1945. Read more
June 2010 Winter is nearly here and people have finished harvesting their rainy season crops. The new Parliament building was opened recently and a Presidential pardon in the International news too. So these are interesting times! Read more
September 2010 Winter is finished and the weather is starting to warm up. October is our hottest month at a steady 35-37 degrees. Everyone is then waiting for the rains to arrive around December to cool things off a little. Read more
April 2010 The rains have finished and Malawi seems to have had enough for a good harvest – we await the official figures though. President Bingu was married on the 17th April and the country enjoyed the celebrations. Read more
January 2009 As we finish our 7th year in Malawi, we look forward to at least another 4 that we have committed to, if not more! We have learnt so much during our time here. We began in 2002 focussing very much on relief and meeting immediate needs. The more we developed relationships and got to know the culture we began development work. Read more
April 2009 Nothing stands still and 2009 is full of surprises; just as there is change in the UK, Malawi is in strange times. Elections are due in late May and there have been mediation talks between the 3 main political parties to help maintain peaceful elections. Read more
June 2009 The rains are finished; Malawi is in full ‘harvest mode’. Trucks and carts are everywhere, full of maize. The dark greens are beginning to fade and cooler temperatures on the way. The build up to the elections were peaceful and we are proud of how they were held. Read more
September 2009 Bingu was overwhelmingly re-elected as President and has just had the first 100 days of his 2nd term. Malawi was rightly proud of peaceful, well run elections. In June we had a typical whirlwind trip to the UK, squeezing time between Malawi school holidays; followed by hosting visitors here in the UK’s school holidays! Read more
December 2009 Happy Christmas to you all from a hot Malawi! People are busy cultivating their land and getting ready for the rains. 2009 has been the best year ever for the Trust and there is a sense that, as the DT family, we are all thriving. CHE has helped us so much with our vision and how to effectively help and serve people in Malawi. Read more

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