Healthy families creating healthy villages

In 2006/7 the Trust began working in partnership with the Harding family and a wider network in Birmingham. We researched health needs in the Malingunde area. A wide variety of approaches were investigated and it became clear that Community Health Evangelism was the best project material available.

I have made many new choices because of CHE lessons. My faith is stronger as I have been encouraged; I now make my own fertiliser for my fields to have enough food for my family. Also we did not have a toilet, but I built this and we now boil water that we drink, so it is safe – these things are new to us, no one had ever taught us about them.


The methodology was developed in Uganda and is a long term, zero intervention programme that is people focused. Medical Ambassadors in the U.S. coordinate training and provide access to all the CHE resources. The team have been excellently trained by Kevin & Erica Pippert and Jeanet Sibande from '360' in South Africa. Also Lovemore Zulu has been a great help with over 10 years experience of running CHE in Zambia.

Between 2008 and 2012 we trialled the following 3 models; Family, Church & Community.

Community CHE has proved to be the most effective model in our area of Malawi and where are efforts are now focussed.

  • Improved family health
  • Communities learning to ask questions
  • Neighbour teaching neighbour
  • Building community trust & peace